Computer Vision: Laser Range Finder
Finding the distance of object using a laser pen and an ordinary web-cam !
Finding the distance of object using a laser pen and an ordinary web-cam !
This article presents some realistic unit and integration test examples in a N-tier web application to assist in writing tests that provide confidence in moving towards Test Driven Development (TDD)
Provides background and overview of queueing theory and a class library which implements measurement functions
A translation of the Java matrix library Jama with LU, QR, Eigenvalue and Cholesky decompositions
A cool List and Dictionary debugger visualizer for VS.NET 2005, 2008 and 2010
Display, edit and save large data sets in Silverlight using WCF based services and customized DataGrids
How to control the painting of the .NET TabControl
This tutorial shows how to display editable datagrid in Ruby on Rails environment with the help of dhtmlxGrid.
Overview of enumerated types in .NET
A Rational Number type providing virtually unlimited precision